pregnancy-testThe word maternity is common in our society but paternity is thrown around far less frequently. What is paternity, and what does it constitute? The majority of us have heard the word paternity in conjunction with the word test. A paternity test is a DNA test that establishes whether a man is the biological father of a child. The maternity of a child is fairly safe to assume, but the paternity of a child allows for much more discrepancy. Basically, paternity establishes the law between a father and his child.

Paternity is important at the Law Office of Steven C Benke because it plays a crucial role in child support and child custody cases. Both parents should play a part in a child’s life, but we can’t require a father to do anything if paternity hasn’t first been established through medical testing. If the parents of a child are unmarried, then the father has no legal obligations until paternity is officially established.

Once paternity has been established, the father is expected to assume responsibility for his child. The circumstances of how the child was conceived are fairly irrelevant. The father is still responsible for his child if paternity has been established. The father and mother are both responsible for the care and financial provision of their offspring. Paternity can be a tricky subject and the Law Office of Steven C Benke are here to guide you in what it means for you and your family and answer any questions.

There are many benefits to establishing paternity:

•    The child is able to enjoy relationships with people on both sides of the family. This could include grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles.
•    Both parents can contribute in making decisions that affect their child.
•    Establishing paternity helps the child to feel both loved and secure.
•    Having access to the medical records of both parents can prove beneficial in the future.
•    Both parents can feel involved and important when it comes to their child’s life.

Establishing paternity can be a highly confusing process with many details that need explanation. Call our office at (210) 308-0004 to schedule your free consultation and let the The Law Office of Steven C. Benke help you deal with the complexity of paternity law today.